Chameleons Anonymous?

Just a quick rant.
Maybe slightly manic, who knows.
So, we, as people, have a habit of wearing masks. Yeah. No bullshit. You do it too. But let me clarify before you jump up on that high horse there.
We let certain traits show more around certain people. It's something we are all guilty of. Hell, it's standard human nature. Unfortunately, or I suppose fortunately, depending on your perspective, some of us are really good actors. Maybe not in the stage sense(I'm pretty shit at that bit myself), but throughout life. Some of us become just so good at fitting our marks, because let me totally throw in the idea of us being emotional/mental con-men (to ourselves, as well, might I add), that we begin to lose sight of the original model. We move seamlessly from group to group, person to person, that when we're standing alone it freaks us the hell out.
We find ourselves in the midst of an existential struggle of identity that we are rarely prepared for. So what do we do? Well, some of us just move on to a new group as quick as possible, some of us try to discover the answer, and some of us just find an escape (whatever our particular vice may be). 
Well fuck that. I say we stop the pattern. I want you to get out there and find someone that does the same shit, and at the same level you do. Because let's be straight here, if we had one person we knew at our level we'd be unstoppable. It would be all Les Liaisons Dangereuses minus a good deal of the debauchery (because I hope most of us have a sense of empathy, or at the very least, a strong sense of conscience). What I'm saying is if we could just find another person on that level than maybe we wouldn't be dissatisfied quite so often.

I don't know. It's very likely no one will get this, but I'm sleep deprived and my mind is livid so here's what it's churning.

End rant?


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