I shouldn't, but I have...

I trace my fingertips over the layers of your personality,
Trying to pick out genuineness,
To tease it out of hiding with my gentle touch,
To make you feel easy and calm,
Because I want to get to know you,
Not the ideas you hide behind,
Or the cynicism you wear.

I want to get to know you,
With your true dreams and real hopes,
The parts of you that come out when you can't be logical,
When you can't control your emotions,
Because no one can do that all the time,
Because you shouldn't try to do that all the time.

And yes, in the end we're all just imperfect creatures,
Making a mess of things,
And hurting each other time and again,
But it's the hope that makes us human,
The hope that makes us alive.


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