Utterly Impossible Expectations

I think I've stopped putting myself out there
I go out, but I don't meet people
I avoid talking to people I don't know, unless I'm paid to do it
Or it's online and stress free
It's not because I'm scared
Or because I don't want to meet someone
(Because I really, truly do)
It's because I'm sick of people being interested in me
Rather than INTERESTED in ME.
Like me for my smile and my looks
But like me for so much more
Like me because I'm 22 and still build pillow forts
And get into tickle wars
And always have sweets to share.
Hell even hate me
For my fickleness
Or laziness
Or the way I avoid conflict.
I don't care
Just be honest with me
And yourself
Get to know me
And show me
That you can keep up with my childishness
And put up with my love of corduroy
And can be weird with me
But not constantly bring me down with negativity
Life's too short for that.
Cuddle with me
And don't get jealous of my teddy
Because like I said
I'm utterly childish
Just don't treat me like a child
Respect me
Respect yourself
And lets just have a good laugh
A good life.


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