Some Random Stuff I'm Making Up As I Go Along...(Kind of like Life)

You know those little figurines that you wind up, and they spin around and play music box type of music? They always remind me of my childhood. When I would spin them and they'd play music I felt like a princess. It was like they were my own personal musicians. I would wind them up over and over, and dance around my bedroom, spinning until I was dizzy. My smile would fill up my entire face, and I would laugh, just because it felt good. But sometimes when no one's looking I try to feel like that again, but with even simpler things, like the way the sky looks, or the perfection of a tree. It's just being grateful for the little things that make me stay sane in this hectic, responsibility driven world.

One day I will make a big movie or tv series. No if's or but's. I will, no matter what, accomplish that. And this piece will be both interesting to the point where its gossiped about on facebook, and thought provoking. It will make people realize that although electronics, fashion, and money are all amusing things, there is so much more to that. It will help people realize that life is ridiculously simple, and ridiculously complicated, and doesn't fit into a tweet no matter how hard you try. It will be my greatest work. But I don't have any right to write it yet. First, I need to live. Then, I must write.

I have these dreams where I'm being chased and I fly away, but every time I think I'm safe I start to fall. Yet at the same time, every time I think I'm going to be caught, I fly away. It's a rather frustrating balance, as far as balances go.

Trying to stop an emotion is like trying to catch a wave inside a glass. Some things are to powerful to be captured. All we can do is funnel them in a different direction.

My Achilles Heel is being interested in too many things. I always want to try something new, and get so caught up in it. I want to be able to do everything, and do it amazingly. To put it simply I want creative perfection, and that is a complete oxymoron.

Fears and Strengths can be funny things. Sometimes you have to learn one, before you can figure out the other. And then one day you might wake up and realized, they've completely switched.

Pink is a very bad idea for a bathing suit color when you have fair skin.


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