Life is meant to take risks, and if you can't it means you don't think they're worth it.
There's comes a point in life where you give in to fate. You start believing that if it's meant to be it will and if it's not it won't and that there are reasons for these things. It might seem foolish, but if you've done all you can what else is there? Its a middle ground between remaining hopeful and moving on. Lord knows it's helping keep me sane. I'm not the kind of person that can move on quick, not when its something that really matters to me. I moved on once, when my last really serious relationship ended, and there will be a part of me that will never completely move on. And I'm okay with that. I don't want to completely lose that love I felt, because if I do I'll forget the good parts and what I have to look forward to sometime in my future. But I'm ready to find that future, no matter how long, short, fucked up, or amazing it might be. I can't handle standing still and I'd take following someone I care about into the lion's den over waiting outside or walking away. That's just who I am. It may be foolish. It may be stupid. It may be selfish. I don't know. What I do know is that I never go out on a limb if I don't think the hopeful outcome is worth a few broken bones.

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