A Continued Balance

See this? This is the line. The line between Then and now, Down and up. The line of balance I constantly walk. But I keep getting tripped up. I'm just a clumsy tightrope walker Hoping the net will catch me in time. See this line? I walk it And you You thinking I'm amazing- Oh look at her, so responsible So calm Reliable Sweet- Until I go tumbling off the edge Then it's all- Why do you obsess Worry Stress Overthink Why why why- Why. Because that moment when I tumble through the air Before my skin strikes net, I am flying. I am the perfect movie heroine, The graceful, mysterious woman, The adventurous, delicious thing That enamors you. I am self-realized, I can see with these Real eyes. And sure- Maybe I didn't so much as fall As throw myself off With full reckless abandon Like I was sliding into home plate for the tie breaker during that final inning, Not giving a thought about the pain and humiliation the plate- the downer- the net will bring Cause, hey, at least I ...