The Stubborness of Emotion & The Eventual Downfall of Conformity

I find it amusing how it is so completely within human nature to fight against what we truly feel. We can hate someone, but not want to be a mean person, so put on fake smiles and polite compliments around them. We can be madly in love with someone, but want something more planned out and less left up to emotion, so we ignore that love we feel. We fight, and we run, and we hide, but in the end there's really no place to turn to. If it's someone we hate either we're lucky enough for them to be gone from out lives, or we're unlucky and we blow up at them. And as for love, its the exact opposite. If you're lucky they're still in you're life and you have a chance. But more often than not people aren't so lucky. Time goes on, and no one likes waiting to be fallen for. There are so many other ways we fight against our feelings. Duty, social acceptance, and striving for success all cause us to go against our beliefs and feelings to reach our goals. We're ta...